I would like to take a moment to wish all our U.S. members a safe and happy Thanksgiving holiday. It is my hope that you will find this time with friends and loved ones personally rewarding, heart-warming, and a chance to reconnect with them in ways that tend to elude us during the course of everyday life throughout the year.
Give thanks and appreciate what we have in the ways of personal freedoms and privilege that other countries may not have, had the pilgrims not found their way to our shores.
For those outside the U.S. or not of American heritage, you are not forgotten and our heart-felt best wishes and hope for safety and security go out to you as well.
While a quick safety briefing should be part of every holiday, I will impart what I always offered to my soldiers during my military service (and my children):
If you drink, don't drive
If you drive, don't drink
Don't swim alone
And always take a buddy
Be safe, have fun
Enjoy your time and return to us in one piece
From the Ranger Leadership Staff,
Happy Thanksgiving now let's get our turkey on